A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Current Version: 0.0.4


Elder Lich is set in a world almost identical to 19th century Earth, except there's magic, undead, Germany is split between a South German Federation, a North German Federation and, between them, a country barely bigger than a city-state, Schadel.

You start your journey with no memories, awakened in a cave. Luckily for you that cave was located in Schadel, one of two countries where the undead have equal rights to the living.

What's your past? What were you doing in that cave? Why is this place so similar to our Earth? It's up to you to find out.


There's something the "Action System" in Elder Lich. Actions can be spells, emotes etc. You can assign them to action sets, with 4 action slots each (you can have as many action sets as you want, though).

In dialogue you sometimes get an option that makes you do a roll. Depending weather you succeed in your roll, the dialogue might proceed differently and you might get XP.

Most NPCs have schedules that they follow daily (you must be careful if you are shopping late, the shopkeeper might leave the store and lock you inside when it's closing time).

It has a leveling system, combat (3 weapon types: Melee, Gun and Throwable), trade, autosave, quicksave.

You start the game as skeleton. However,  you can become "fleshed" and, if you do, there is a character creator for you to design your appearance.

Also the weather can vary, from clear sky to very cloudy (In the cloudiest weather there is rain), there's a moon cycle and the position of the sun changes through the year. These don't affect gameplay, but they look cool, so I thought I should mention them.


(The controls can be altered through the settings menu)

Move Left
ALeft Joystick - Left
Move Right
DLeft Joystick - Right
Move Foward
WLeft Joystick - Up
Move Backward
SLeft Joystick - Down
JumpSpaceSony X, Xbox A
InteractESony Square, Xbox X
PullGSony Circle, Xbox B
RunShiftLeft Stick, Sony L3 Xbox L/LS

(I recommend enabling "toggle run" in the settings menu if playing with controller)
MainLeft-ClickRight Trigger
SecondaryRight-ClickLeft Trigger
ReloadRSony Triangle, Xbox Y
Action 1/Up
1D-Pad Up
Action 2/Right
2D-Pad Right
Action 3/Down
3D-Pad Down
Action 4/Left
4D-Pad Left
Previous Action Set
` in American Keyboard
' In Brazilian Keyboard
(It's the key to the left of 1)
Left Shoulder, Sony L1, Xbox LB
Next Action Set
5Right Shoulder, Sony R1, Xbox RB
Character Screen
TabBack, Sony Select, Xbox Back
Toggle Third Person
FRight Stick, Sony R3, Xbox R/RS
Toggle Hud


Made by RafaelaOverflow

Made using the Godot Engine

Addons Used: TrenchBroom Loader


If you want to try features that can't be accessed through normal play yet or just want to goof around, there is a cheat menu I made for debugging the game.

There's two ways to access it:

-Pressing numpad9 will open the console. From the console you can press the button that says cheat menu. The console will be in front of the cheat menu, so you will have to close it to use the cheat menu.

-With the main menu open in-game you press the run button, while holding the Character Screen button and the move foward button.

This is an early version of the game and thus likely to have bugs and unfinished content.

The save system was designed in a way so saves from the current version are very likely to still work in future versions of the game.

Ko-fi | Bluesky


Elder Lich 0.0.4 Windows 40 MB
Elder Lich 0.0.4 Linux (Untested) 34 MB

Install instructions

1. Download the ZIP

2. Extract the ZIP wherever you want.

3. To run the game, run the executable named "ElderLich.exe"

After you run the game for the first time, you will be able to find the screenshot folder and save folder at: "AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Elder Lich"

Development log

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