0.0.3 "The Actions and Modifiers Update" Changelog

0.0.3 Changelog


-Equipped items can give stat modifiers now.

-New action type ("Utility Actions"), which can have different configurations for each spot they use in action sets. Currently only added Quick Equip, which makes it so you don't need to open the inventory menu every time you want to change what item you have equipped.

-Emote action type added.

-Character Creator is now accessible without cheats, talk to Amelia


-Added "The Mystery of Küttner Manor" Quest


-Added two new characters to Lab 4 at Schadel University, both have short introduction dialogues and trades.

-You can now ask Jana Köhler "How can I find about my past?"

-Added a new character, SIA Director. She gives you the new quest.

-You can now ask Amelia, "How can I learn magic?"

-You can now ask Amelia, "Why am I a skeleton and you fleshed?" (leads to fleshed character creator)

-Minor addition to end of the first magic class.

-New line in the first time dialogue of Amelia that allows you to go to the default dialogue without having to start a new conversation.


-New "Quick Equip" action, unlocked when you are given your first weapon. When upgrading a previous version save, it's unlocked automatically.

-New "Speed Up" action, unlocked on the first magic class on the Schadel University. When upgrading a previous version save, it's unlocked automatically if you already had the class.

-New "Emote Salute" and "Emote Wave" actions


-SIA HQ interior.

-4 Locations added for "The Mystery of Küttner Manor" Quest


-Added Cowhand Hat

-Added Homburg Hat

-Added Gold Bar

-Added MP Storage Ring

-Keys will change name depending on which door they unlock

-Added Rapier

-Added Wolf Pelt


-The speed you generated MP was determined by max_mp.value, now it's determined by max_mp.base_value. This change was made so items that increase your MP storage don't also increase you MP generation.

-Before Max MP had a base value of 100 and a modifier adding (level*10+int*50), now instead of a modifier it's the base value that is set to (100+level*10+int*50). This change was made so it works with the MP generation changes.


-Now your hair (if you have any) and hat will become invisible in first person (they will still cast shadows).

-Before Max health had a base value of 100 and a modifier adding (level*10+power*50), now instead of a modifier it's the base value that is set to (100+level*10+power*50). This was made for consistency with Max MP, so there's no gameplay change from this.

-When looking at a locked door, it will show a different interaction icon if you can unlock it.

-Changed the up attack and the down attack animations of fleshed characters so they can hit shorter enemies.

-Now save files will store the id of the version in which they were saved.

-It's now easier to see underwater

-Changed the name of the model type from "Human" to "Fleshed", since skeletons are also human

-Added some particle effects in the cutscene where you meet Hajno


-Fixed visual glitch when wearing dress as a fleshed (non-skeleton) individual.

-Fixed typos within the History of Schadel book.

-One sentence added in the first chapter of the History of Schadel book, to make it clear who won the battle of 21/09/1800.

-Fixed missing navigation mesh in Schadel News location.

-Now, the Character Screen won't stay open when you go back to the main menu

-Now, keys have localization and change depending on what door they open (example: "Küttner's Basement Key")

-Fixed missing localization for Ministry of Welfare sign in the parliament building

-Fixed log messages changing the color of following messages.

-Now, Max Health and Max MP shall be update when leveling up

-Fixed localization issue in action configuration menu

-Grenades on your hand where white, now they are the same color as thrown grenades (green)

-Fixed missing word in portuguese localization of Amelia conversation

-Fixed bug that made all characters be treated with gender neutral pronouns and terms

-Fixed bug that crashed game on removing action set

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